Thursday, 14 November 2019

Episode 24 - Dinner is served

Tuesday cont, then Wednesday

Nigel was late for the impromptu dinner party. The Hurleys, Dorothy and Vera had started without him after putting the little ones to bed.
“I expect he’s gone to his rehearsal after all.”said Gary.

Saturday, 9 November 2019

Episode 22 - Conclusions

Monday December 14 then Tuesday morning

Cleo had had the foresight to organize child care, so it was quite early when she and Gary left for HQ on Monday morning. Cleo had prepared a six-pack of commercial smoothies with poppy seeds bought recently to put in a cake. If you didn’t know it was not ground fruit stones, you might be convinced that it was. The plan was for them all to drink some, in the hope that Mrs Barclay would react. It was a long shot and only taking the woman they still thought of as Peel by surprise would work, if at all.